Sunday, April 24, 2005


The Glasgow date on Kasabian's tour came to a rather blunt end on Friday night when Serge Pizzorno got hit by a bottle lobbed from the crowd. Pizzorno fell to the ground, and the band took what they said would be a "two minute break." reports:

After a heated five-minute wait which saw the crowd directing football chants in the direction of the culprit, however, a member of the production crew took the mic and informed everyone that the bottle had cut Pizzorno’s head, that he was in need of medical treatment, and that the gig was over, before chastising the bottle-thrower.

Eyewitnesses are divided as to the nature of the bottle which hit Serge; if Kasabian become one of the biggest bands on the planet, it's expected the number of eyewitnesses to the bottling will grown to several thousands.

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