There's some brilliant news for those of us of a certain age, as Alex Shepherd has bought up the old Jericho Tavern, which had been limping along miserably as an It's A Scream, and returned it to its indie perfection. You can't always go back home, but sometimes you just might. So, that's Oxford sorted then. Now, who wants to resurrect Planet X in Liverpool?
Haha............used to work at the planet.Think it's been reclaimed by the sewers now...............
To be honest, last, it was pretty much under sewage water when it was still a going concern
I'm shuddering at the memory of the times the overflow from the gents reached the main bit of the dancefloor...
Anyone got any photos from Planet X??? Am working on a book about Eric's club, but it also back before Eric's, and onwards after Eric's...
If anyone has photos either from Eric's or Planet X please contact me (You will of course be fully credited in the book).
Just done a You Tube search for Planet X and the only result is a video of "Liverpool Punk rockers the Down and Outs" who "sneaked into the abandoned venue Planet X on New Years Eve 04/05 and played a gig".
The footage starts with a walk around the club.
I wonder whatever happened to Dennis the Chemist?
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