Sunday, June 05, 2005


Poor Chris Martin: he finds iPods confusing. He also seems to have a bit of a problem with the mechanics of sex, too:

"The more I think about things the more I don't understand them.

"It's like an iPOD - you understand that if you scroll the dial, you pick a song, but no one has the faintest clue what's going on inside.

"When I did biology, you'd understand intercourse and think, 'That goes in there, that goes in there, I understand that now.'

"And then, when you have a baby you're like, 'This is slightly more complicated that I imagined.'

Right... he has trouble with the conversion of data stored as a series of digital impulses being converted into a electronic signals which lead to tiny vibration in the earphones which our brain perceives as sound, and sperm turning into babies, and yet he thinks he's right person to try and sort international debt crises. I see.

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