Sunday, July 31, 2005


Okay, we think we've got this Hendrix thing straight: He was in danger of going to jail because he was pinching cars, so he jumped into army; but he didn't want to be in the army so he "pretended" to be gay to get out.

His new biographer Charles R Cross reckons that he was just fibbing about being gay to get a discharge, and points out that, you know, he liked ladies:

Mr Cross says Hendrix had a legendary appetite for women - he even had an affair with actress Brigitte Bardot.

But he had told a base psychiatrist at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, he had fallen in love with a fellow soldier, the book claims.

Because, of course, if he had dated Brigitte Bardot, there's no way he could possibly actually been in love with a man too, is there?

It's all in this book:

Room Full of Mirrors

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