Sunday, August 07, 2005


Back before we had the internets, when I was young and striping between being carefree and fretworn, new music and friendship used to rely a lot on the postal service and penfriends. I was blessed with a network of what Smash Hits used to call birobuddies who had massively brilliant ways with the mixtape, and one of them (with whom I'm still in contact, and for the purposes of this post will call by her screename of Sashina) introduced me to no end of excellent, life-changing acts - she brought Bradford to my attention when i'd filed them under "another Morrissey-approved act who can be safely ignored"; she also hit me with tapes that would spark love of the Snapdragons, Sugargliders, Man From del Monte, the Lucksmiths and This Is Serious Mum. All of which is an overlong, Sunday lunch, two-way family favourites way of introducing Martin Scorsese Is Really Quite A Jovial Fellow, another new MP3 blog which takes a name from TISM's finest moment, a hymn to the delights of the film director from back in the day before he started turning up at the Oscars wearing the sort of glasses which my dead Grandfather would have dismissed as making him look too much like a guy passed over by early days of the NHS.

The blog is aiming to provide mp3s of stuff which isn't easy to come by to beg, steal or borrow (TSIM being a case in point) - which almost comes close to breaking the compact most mp3 bloggers work under these days: how can you claim to be promoting the purchase of material which it is impossible to purchase? Let's hope the RIAA leave him alone. All power to Tsimselfstorage. (Not, we'd guess, the name his mother calls him by). Oh, and if you're reading this... any chance of Dole Boys on Futons sometime?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, TISM; they're sort of the Australian equivalent of Half Man Half Biscuit.

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