Tuesday, September 13, 2005


You'd have thought that years of faux-devil worshipping, accidently feasting on bats, and having to watch Kelly rehearse would take its toll on the mind of Ozzy Osbourne, and, indeed it has: he now goes nowhere without a travelling therapist. It's Sharon that causes him the most worry:

"People with addictive personalities have different thought patterns. In my head I'll go, 'My wife's late: She's had a car crash... I'll think, 'She's fucking run off with some other rock star. My head creates havoc - I can't fucking take pain in my life anymore."

We can only imagine how terrible this is - you've got yourself to the point where you're convinced that, for whatever reason, Sharon isn't coming home. Then you hear her key in the lock. Imagine how the sudden loss of that hope would hit you.

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