Saturday, September 17, 2005


While Flo hasn't taken the time to get in touch with us, we're delighted to report that Liverpool has come up with a stupid, expensive compromise designed to create some more historicalesque pastiche: they're still going to bulldoze 500 serviceable houses and allow a developer to build more expensive houses on the rubble, but rather than bulldoze Ringo's old gaff, they're going to dismantle it brick-by-brick and build it again somewhere else.

Yes, you read that right.

Oddly, it was Flo, who a couple of weeks ago was insisting there was no historical significance to the building who announced this super wheeze. And where, exactly, will the house be rebuilt? Uh... um...:

"There has been a lot of speculation about Ringo Starr's former home in Madryn Street. I have asked officers to ensure that the property is taken down and stored. Its future use will become clear over time."

In other words: we've been bounced into this because our desire to free up some building land for development companies was getting bogged down because of the bloody drummer's house; we haven't got a clue what we're going to do with the bricks but please go away and let us be.

Hmm... it all sounds very expensive, as well. Wonder how much this storage will cost? If only there was someone we could ask... hey, hang about...


Delighted to see that Ringo's home is going to be saved - sort-of. Does this mean that the building was of historical significance all along?

The plans for what will happen to it after don't seem very clear though - is the intention to stick the bricks in storage and hope people forget about it?

One further question: How much will the city be spending on storage of the bricks of Ringo's house?

With thanks,


We'll let you know.

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