Monday, October 03, 2005


We're sure she's able to satisfy the council that she's got all the skills and resources needed to do it, as Jamelia takes her kid out of school on the basis that "Teja didn't enjoy school." (You're not actually meant to constantly enjoy school, you know - there are times when it's meant to be challenging and difficult and even a bit dull, because it's preparing you for life which, from time to time is less thrilling than early doors in a Harvester restaurant.) Home schooling can be a positive move, but we're far from convinced that telling a four year-old if they don't like school they can stay home instead is the right motivation for it.

Is Jamelia a good teacher? Is Teja going to get a good education?

"She really enjoys learning at home now. It's more relaxed. She is really good at maths which I never was. Everything she asks I try to answer."

Hmmm. Four year old enjoys being at home rather than at school and "really good at maths" even although she's being taught by someone who isn't? A curious world.


Tish Grier said...

Zelda Fitzgerald, schizophernic wife of F.Scott Fitzgerald, threw a similar temper tantrum after her first day at kindergarten and was allowed to never return to school again. I guess it's fine if you're a rich kid who can grow up in a social bubble, but it ain't the real world.

Simon Hayes Budgen said...

Well... it turned out fine for Zelda, didn't it...

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