Tuesday, December 20, 2005


For some years Lauryn Hill was away from the ever-roving public eye (did she ever wonder why nobody came looking for her?). It turns out that she was caught in a "very toxic situation:

"I discovered people could only acknowledge red and blue and I was somewhere between. I was purple," she told [Essence] magazine. "And when I can't be whole, I have a problem. I was like, 'I've got to get out of here.' " So she spent two or three years "away from all social interaction," with no music and no television. "It was a very introspective and complicated time because I had to really confront my fears."

Purple, you see? No wonder she had to spend time away from people - she would have clashed with everybody's soft furnishings.

Oddly, despite being "away from all social interaction", she also had to fend off offers to turn her personal look into a fashion line - presumably these offers were delivered through the letterbox:

Still, she vetoed plans to do a clothing line, because it bothered her to see her look "exploited, appropriated, copied and reproduced" by others. "Fashion is something I breathe," Hill said. "I wasn't really trying to share my style, I was just trying to be me and exist."

Yeah, we bet people would be fighting each other to appropriate your look, if it ever turned up at Drunk Jumble Sale Sportswear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how can a circle colour chart be used to solve colour problems ?
this is for a hairdressing assignment

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