Monday, December 19, 2005


And, despite what this may sound like, his corset wearing isn't kinky:

The 31-year-old puts on an airtight suit — looking like a wetsuit cut off at the knees.

Then he straps on the corset, complete with suction hose, around his tum and jogs on a treadmill.

There isn't a large guy with discotits and a whip shouting "faster, slave" or anything like that - least ways, not as far as we know. Apparently it's Robbie's way of keeping fairly slim. At least according to Zeenat Shah, who flogs this bizarre S&M ("keep-fit") stuff:

“I wouldn’t say we’re the only reason Robbie looks the way he does, but he follows the programme three times a week for 40 minutes.”

See? The girdle keeps him slim. We presume the crotchless panties are designed to allow the sweat to run off easily while he's exercising.


Cie Cheesemeister said...

So if I dress like I'm about to go to an S&M swinger's party before I get on the treadmill, I'll lose weight faster? Cool!
But I'm afraid some of my more straight-laced co-workers wouldn't understand if they saw me coming out of the fitness center dressed that way!

Anonymous said...

Nice one Robbie. Of course, all the suit is doing is make you lose weight through moisture loss- rather like sitting in a sauna. Is there anything this gullible tit won't swallow? Apart from another man's willy of course. Because he's not gay.

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