Sunday, April 02, 2006


There was some sad news from over at YouTube this week, with an inevitable attempt to try and stave off cease and desist orders from copyright holders in the form of a cap on video uploads to ten minutes maximum. Of course, erm, nothing less than ten minutes would be copyrighted at all.

Of course, the real strength of YouTube (and, we suspect, this might be our perspective only) is in the little bits and pieces anyway, mostly stuff that people have sitting around on degrading VHS tapes that they're taking the time to upload to the internet. Yes, much of it is probably copyrighted, but since nobody is offering sell-through videos of bands appearing on half-forgotten Saturday morning Kids TV shows, it's hard to see who's losing out here.

So hurrahs for people like the myseterious pajamapants, who is sharing his VHS collection with us in bite-sized chunks. Just added, for example, is Louise Wener doing Life's A Gas on TFI Friday. We never saw much of TFI when it was on because, frankly, there was no choice to be made between the BaaBar's tappas and two for one on white cider on one hand, and Chris Evans labouring under the misapprehension he had the powers of Napoleon and the wit of Sam Goldwyn on the other.

Indeed, the ten minute cap means nobody would be able to upload entire TFIs even if they wanted to. For once, copyright law might be working in our favour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me what the fuck that's all about?


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