Monday, May 08, 2006


Pete Doherty has come up with an explanation for the picture which apparently shows him injecting a sleeping a woman.

He's painting pictures with his own blood and was merely trying to get hold of some more:

But he said a photo of him apparently injecting Laura, 21, was staged and he was actually drawing blood to use in a painting.

Doherty wrote on a website: "It's a staged shot and what a fucking liberty to suggest I'd bang up a sleeping lass."

Well, that's that cleared up, then.

Although if he's painting pictures with his own blood, why was he drawing someone else's?

And if you have a reputation for being a bit of a skaghead, why would you allow yourself to appear in a staged photo which made it look as if you were banging up a sleeping lass?

And pictures with blood? What, are you thirteen years old?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And drawing some-one's blood while they're sleeping to use in your crappy paintings isn't a liberty?

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