Sunday, June 04, 2006


We feel we'd be lacking in our duty if we didn't mention the bizarre goings-on at the "celebrity" X-Factor, which seem to have been dominated by Sharon "good friend of the Beckhams" Osbourne trying to take revenge on Rebecca Loos on their behalf. It's been fascinating to watch (well, skim through the headlines, anyway, life's too short to watch the actual programmes) Sharon first attack on Rebecca because she wasn't "famous" enough to count as a celebrity; then, she appeared to channelling Ena Sharples and attacking Loos' morals.

What we're now left with, of course, is two attention whores screaming at each other:

"Money can buy you clothes, looks, style, but you have to be born with elegance and class," says Rebecca.

"There are a lot of people out there like Sharon and Victoria Beckham who don't have it. I do, it was the way I was brought up."

Last night Sharon's spokesman insisted she's not a close friend of the Beckhams and has met them only a couple of times. Gary Farrow said: "What Rebecca says is quite extraordinary. Elegance and class are the last words I'd use to describe her.

"It amazes me... someone who sold their story about a celebrity is now regarded as a celebrity - with absolutely no talent required."

Of course, that's not something you could accurse Sharon of - she sold her entire family into a TV reality freakshow for her fame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Giving a pig hand relief on TV - yeah, that shows real class and elegance...

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