Sunday, August 20, 2006


One is a truly scary figure whose appearance on television surely curdles children's brains with his outlandish viewpoints, his inability to accept reality and curious sexual behaviour. The other does pisspoor Soft Cell covers and is as dangerous as a hobnob biscuit.

Bill O'Reilly meets with Marilyn Manson on Fox News, and conducts a polite interview.

The thing is, of course, that Manson and O'Reilly are effectively in the same business: making things up to scare the portion of middle America that are easily frightened in return for cash. O'Reilly does it with flashing astons and claims of plotting terrorists poised to kidnap the nation's blondest children; Manson does it with too much eyeliner and pretending to be about to have sex with your daughter. Both are essentially laughable. Why shouldn't they get along just fine?


Anonymous said...

I once went to see Manson and the only frightening thing about the whole event was the 50odd Christian protestors outside! Bloody terrifying bunch... Mind you, it was amusing to think that they actually believe in the sincerity of the man's words just as much as the brainwashed braindead fans.

oh and in case anyone's wondering... the gig was shit...

Anonymous said...

Personally I like Marilyn Manson, and he's not trying to scare anyone, or at least not anymore than a political satirist or the illustrator of and editorial cartoon, he's just trying to offer people an alternate view of what is considered to be "proper" and is questioning convention, just like many of the great historical artists. One example being Leonardo Da Vinci, who dissected human body parts during a time when such behaviour was punishable by execution, just because someone challenges the norm, doesn't make them a scary or unseemly person

Anonymous said...

reinhardt von morgenstern - you're possibly giving Manson slightly too much credit by comparing him to Da Vinci.

CarsmileSteve said...

although dan brown's new book IS called "The Beautiful People Code" so maybe not...

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