Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Last month, River Cuome told MTV:

"Really, for the moment, we are done," he said. "And I'm not certain we'll ever make a record again, unless it becomes really obvious to me that we need to do one."

Now, that sounded for all the world like a band at the end of their jumper.

Apparently, though they're not done at all:

"Now please, take those 'Weezer split?' headlines and place them firmly into the 'Don't believe the hype' bin. And have yourself a fine afternoon now."

What is this? Is someone running a competition to find who can moan the most about being quoted pretending it's all a terrible, terrible misquote?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be fair, Cuomo always talks like that. This is the band that took, what, a five year hiatus so he could partially complete a degree at Harvard.

Anyway, given that Make Believe had about one decent song and a clutch of stinkers even the most vociferous Blue Album/Pinkerton era Weezer fan probably couldn't give a monkey's either way now.

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