Monday, September 18, 2006

Homophobic a-team

The stench of racism has been gradually reduced from professional football - not at the speed you'd have hoped for, but at least they're trying. It's a pity that there's less will to do something about the equal stench of queer-hating. But then to start taking on homophobia on the terraces, it would help if there were some more out footballers. And what footballer would come out when he reads of the reaction of Wayne Rooney's Manchester United team-mates to the news that Jake Shears fancies him?

Luckily, we know about their disgusting behaviour because Victoria Newton is stupid enough to think it's all a bit of a laugh, and so colludes in what is effectively bullying:

Roo faces a training CAMP

And I can reveal the England ace was the, ahem, butt of dressing room jokes at training this weekend.

During preparations for yesterday’s big game with Arsenal other players chipped in with limp-wristed hand gestures and camp accents.

“They were all singing Scissor Sisters songs in falsetto voices and shouting ‘Chase me, chase me’ on the pitch in camp voices."

And remember, there's no suggestion that Rooney is gay - just that a gay bloke fancies him. It's not that they had some fun with his admirer - it's the way they did it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whilst imitating Duncan Norvelle? Aren't the England team a little bit young for that reference? Unlike say... Victoria Newton.

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