Reforming 'cubes
It's twenty years - yes, twenty bloody years - since The Sugarcubes released Birthday. Twenty years, remember, in which The Knack managed to never hear the It's Tricky by Run DMC.
To celebrate the anniversary, the band are getting back together for a secret one-off reunion gig in Reykjavik this November. It's going to help out Icelandic musicians who've fallen on hard times. No, we don't mean Einar:
"All profit from the concert goes back into Smekkleysa SM, who continue to work on a non-profit basis for the future betterment of Icelandic music and artists."
They've not played together for fourteen years, which means the ringing in Bjork's ears from her former frontman's bellowing would just about now have died down.[Plug: We don't think Bjork's ever improved on the Cube debut Life's Too Good]
Hi Simon - not on topic but as i read this (almost) daily and love the gay/not gay Robbie Williams thing.. have you seen page 31 of today's heat magazine?? why no post yet??
I love xrrf!
this is amazing news!!! (even if it is only for one gig)
after reading this I instantly went and listened to Hit, probably the best top 20 hit of the last 20 years or if The Knack are reading this "the best hit you've missed out on cause you've been off touching yourself over a real estate agent"... come to think of it, I reckon Einar sounds slightly influenced by Run D.M.C... maybe The Knack should get the Sugacubes too???
(ok so it's maybe not the best hit of the last 20 years but it's damn pretty close!!!)
I can't believe I just misspelled Sugarcubes... I am an idiot...
Damn. I saw them live in '89. One of my top 10 greatest gigs. Bjork is nothing but a squeaky amusement without the mad poofy trumpet majesty that is Einar.
PS, the Guillemots album is rather good as well.
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