Sunday, September 24, 2006

Thom: Politeness is its own reward

Sandi Thom has come up with a cracking plan to make herself a success in the US.

Besides, obviously, getting her totally-deniable PR team to come up with something.

She's going to say please, thank you, thank you very glad:

British music in general is doing better there now. It is leading the way again and being influential. We're setting trends.

"The problem a lot of English bands had in the US is the wrong attitude and manner. Over there it's very much about manners and niceness and their music and image just didn't fit.

"Someone like James Blunt will work, a nice English boy. You can see that with someone like KT - you know people will like it.

"It's your manner as much as your music - you need to be wholesome."

That's why rap and hip-hop does so badly in the US - just not wholesome enough. And could you imagine, say, trying to launch Jackass or Girls Gone Wild in the States? You wouldn't stand a chance.

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