Thursday, November 02, 2006

Quiet, now, Jack White has something to say

We love the way Coca-Cola spokesperson Jack White rushes up to make an announcement every time he reworks his diary, as if the world can't quite cope not knowing exactly what split he's making between making music with the White Stripes and making less interesting music with the Raconteurs. (The Raconteurs, of course, the closest thing to a band version of a Jolly Boy's Outing it is possible to imagine.)

Here's the latest pronouncement:

"I have to honestly say that I'm divided totally 50/50 between The Raconteurs and The White Stripes. My brain now has two options for songs that I write, and it's a really nice luxury to have as a songwriter.

"I have so many songs now for another White Stripes record: Meg and I are working on songs during breaks from touring with The Raconteurs."

We're not quite sure how "fitting White Stripes in between Raconteurs work" counts as being "totally 50/50 divided", but we're sure he's got a pie chart somewhere that explains it.

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