Gwen gets it on with Keane
If the thought of Pink and the Arctic Monkeys makes you feel a little woozy, what about Gwen Stefani and Keane?
If you had doubts about Gwen Stefani - and, let's face it, that abomination based on High On A Hill Lived A Lonely Goatherd must given even her mutest pet girl-follower pause for thought - seeing her so excited at having something run up for her by Tim Rice-Oxley isn't going to make you feel any better:
"I'm lucky I was his first, because I'm sure he's going to go write with lots of girls after me.
"I wanted a ballad. I wanted to write 'Eyes Without a Face' or 'Killing Me Softly' or 'Time After Time,' and he was like, 'OK, Cyndi Lauper, got it,' like he was taking my order."
Yeah, just like it was a drive through restaurant. Funny that.
And a restaurant where people actually order the Cyndi Lauper.
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