Monday, February 05, 2007

Police stop Pete Doherty from shooting up

As if Pete Doherty couldn't make himself any more ridiculous on the journey from tortured poet to star in the sitcom about his own life, Pete Doherty was considering taking up shooting. As in killing animals:

"I want to get a shotgun and a flat cap and go shooting like they all do in the country. It could be my new hobby," he was overheard telling a mate.

For some reason, though, the police turned down his application for a licence.

Still, good luck with your campaign to turn into Prince Philip, Pete.


Anonymous said...

I think he misunderstood the suggestion that he should go "hunting for foxes" in that he heard the word "chasing" in place of "hunting" and "dragon" in place of "fox"...

still I don't really understand why he was denied an application for a licence... even at the height of his drug taking, he's still preferable company to say a bunch of toffs with blood thirsty hounds...

Anonymous said...

I don't know why he even bothered applying for a license. Go on Pete- you're a rock 'n' roll rebel! You don't need The Man telling you what you can and can't do! You're The People's Poet! Get yourself a 12 bore and let fly!

eyetie said...

Maybe Pete wanted to join up with some of the posher Priory residents he met and join their anti-Man pro-hunting fight. I can see it now: "We fought the law and the law won" by CountryShambles.

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