Monday, May 07, 2007

Candid Camera

Interesting moment on Marc Riley's Brain Surgery last week, when he asked session guests Camera Obscura if they'd appeared to have sold out by allowing Tesco to use one of their tracks ("just to naive people" was their response.) They then revealed they'd not really been paid all that much - which would make sense: Tesco screw over the farmers for the produce the advert was promoting; why would they pay a decent rate ("I don't even know that we could eat on [what they paid alone]") for the soundtrack?


ian said...

Except unlike the farmers, Camera Obscura aren't funded by the EU common musical policy out of everyone's taxes.

James said...

Just to be picky, the advert in question isn't about farm produce - It's flogging their 'Affordable' fashion line, Florence and Fred. Which, of course, is completely ethical and free of any murky links to exploited suppliers.


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