Sunday, May 27, 2007

Concrete facts

A quick mention for the Keeping C86 Alive-affiliated club night Swiss Concrete, which happens at Port Mahon in Oxford. It does lose half a point for utilising the done-to-death wartime poster of a woman rolling up her sleeves saying "we can do it" on a flier - has there even been a club night which hasn't cut and paste that onto promo material at some point? I mean, I know everyone who picks it to promote their gigs or clubnights means it in a "strong, feminist" leftist/liberal way, but it's still a picture that was commissioned to encourage working-class women to help make bombs to kill other working-class women, which makes it a bit of an odd choice to promote an evening of dancing and a sense of sisterhood.

Still, many thousands of extra points for their line-up:

The Evenings - 30/05/07
The Rosie Taylor Project - 10/06/07
Martin Stephenson - 10/07/07
The Brights - 31/07/07
Space Heroes Of The People - 18/08/07
Monkey Swallows The Universe - 02/09/07
Callous - 22/09/07

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