Monday, May 14, 2007

Gore blimey

We're not certain, but there's a gentle lapping of rising waters of desperation in Al Gore rolling up his sleeves to beg for participation in the Brazil part of Live Earth:

"I want to invite every person who cares about the environment in Brazil to come to the event here in Rio," he said.

Since the country is four and half thousand kilometres long and four thousand kilometres wide, you might think that the kindest thing for the environment would be for people living outside Rio to not make a massive trek across the nation, burning fossil fuels on the way. Gore threw open his invitation during a visit to Rio, part of a whistle-stop tour of South American capitals to warn the world against needless consumption of scarce resources. Don't worry, he made the journey in a coracle, powered by the burning of uncounted Floridian ballots.

Meanwhile, Bob Geldof has had a go at Gore. He's less than impressed with Live Earth, and not only because none of the seven nation's organisers have yet to offer him a slot to do I Don't Like Mondays:
"I hope they're a success," De Volkskrant newspaper quoted Geldof as saying in an interview.

"But why is (Gore) actually organizing them? To make us aware of the greenhouse effect? Everybody's known about that problem for years. We are all (expletive) conscious of global warming,"

Unlike, of course, the African debt crisis, which was known only to fourteen sub-Saharan finance ministers and Bono and Bob prior to the Live 8 concerts.
"I would only organize (Live Earth) if I could go on stage and announce concrete environmental measures from the American presidential candidates, Congress or major corporations," he told the newspaper. "They haven't got those guarantees, so it's just an enormous pop concert or the umpteenth time that, say, Madonna or Coldplay get up on stage."

Unlike Live 8, of course, when the umpteenth minus one time Coldplay and Madonna got on stage had almost magical effects.
Geldof also criticized the former vice president's choice of the name Live Earth.

"It sounds like Live 8," he told the paper. "We're getting lots of responses from people who think we are organizing it."

Of course you are, Bob. And Peaches is having to turn down all sort of djing jobs left, right and centre.

If we were Al Gore, we'd invite the rump of the Boomtown Rats to play. Without Bob.

[Thanks to Joe for the tip on the Geldof stuff]


Anonymous said...

It's so tempting to say that I'd like somebody to edit the song and sing "I Don't Like Geldof" at LiveEarth but then I still think the entire thing is nonsense.

Sometimes it's really hard to believe the shit Geldof comes out with. Apart from the fact that I'm struggling to remember what the purpose of Live8 was (charity? no. attention to a cause we all know about? not particularly. a chance to show the leaders of the "free world" that we think it's time for change? yeah right like we thought that would work. a big ego trip for Geldof? Perhaps the best thing to do is just not answer the question) I can't help but wonder what on earth is going on in his head. This whole live earth nonsense is such an easy target (as you say "a coracle, powered by the burning of uncounted Floridian ballots") and yet, as I see it, he chooses to criticise it because it's not his campaign?

"I would only organize (Live Earth) if I could go on stage and announce concrete environmental measures from the American presidential candidates, Congress or major corporations," You'll have to remind me, Bob, of anytime you've got on stage and campaigned with any thing like that kind of guarantee.

Still, at least, Bob is one of the few musicians on the planet not polluting all the time. Admittedly, that's because nobody has voluntarily listened to his music in a long time and when they're forced to we tend to stop wasting electricity and switch Radio 2 off. You see Bob secretly found the answer to the world's problems years ago: if you don't produce anything worth listening to (or in the case of producing his daughter, anything worth pay any attention to) then you don't waste any energy!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Bob have similar reservations about Live8 until they invited him on board and he quickly took control? And didn't the company who handles his lucrative after-dinner speaking engagements publish Live8 shots on their site days later, no doubt with an increased fee? (as mentioned here IIRC).
For a true opinion of Bob that hasn't been media managed or defended by pictures of starving African children, pop into The Sportsman restaurant in Whitstable (Bob's a regular) and ask the staff what they think of his 'share the wealth' policies when it comes to tipping... - Elvis

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