Thursday, May 03, 2007

Select Committee to ponder touting

In response to the calls from the events ticket industry and... well, just the events ticket industry, actually, that "something must be done" about ticket-touting, the Department of Media Culture & Sport select committee are... well, not actually going to do anything, but are going to have an enquiry.

Stuart Galbraith, managing director of events company Live Nation, said he welcomed the new probe, but added he "remained to be convinced" it would be of any use.

"I have to say that I'm very more cynical about the government's intentions to do anything about ticket touting than I was at the start of this process."

LiveNation? Cynical? As in 'cynically using Glastonbury regsitrant's private data gathered supposedly in the battle against touting in a way they promised they wouldn't', would that be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice observation, thanks.

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