News values with the Sunday Mirror
According to this morning's Sunday Mirror news webpage, the biggest story currently is that, erm... ... Frank Skinner told a couple of jokes about Heather Mills at the Brighton Dome.
Much of it seemed to be pretty low stuff, too, having a push at Mills' missing leg, but apparently, the audience were okay with that:
Johnathan Richard, from Worthing, who was in the audience, said: "Some people were shocked, but I didn't see anyone walk out or anyone disabled."
Ah, so it's alright to take the piss out of physical disabilities providing there isn't any inconsiderate amputee in the audience to spoil the fun.
Saw Frank Skinner the other month at Folkestone, and he did the McCartney/Mills material, but he rips into both of them and asks how the media would react if the "McCartney beats up Mills" story was proved to be true........
my, he's got a mind equals that of leon brittan hasn't he?
Well the disabled people wouldn't walk out, would they?
..I'll get my coat
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