Sunday, December 09, 2007

Ed Balls hails The Spice Girls as the way ahead

Casting around for an example of great female role models, Ed Balls realises that Gordon Brown's cabinet offers not very much, so settles on The Spice Girls. Oh, and Thatcher.

We're not sure if we'd rather have our daughter turn out like Thatcher or Geri Halliwell. We really wouldn't want to have to make that choice.


Anonymous said...

Good grief. I keep telling myself that NuLab cannot sink any lower, but they do. Oh how they do.

Jack said...

Having seen the word/phrase "NuLab" lots from those pathetic whingers on the Daily Mail website, can someone enlighten me as to where it actually comes from? It seems like it should be a reference to something, but I wouldn't have thought that Mail readers would have the intelligence to make any kind of amusing reference. So the only conclusion I can come to is that people see it and think "ooh, that looks clever. Maybe I'll use it myself and people will think I'm clever too".

Anonymous said...

"We're not sure if we'd rather have our daughter turn out like Thatcher or Geri Halliwell. We really wouldn't want to have to make that choice."

I just spent five minutes seriously pondering which I'd rather...ack. And while coming up with Thatcher at least makes sense ("and I dislike many, many things that she did", he also notes), I can't understand a government official for education choosing a bunch of talent-dubious tarts from a manufactured group as role models for young girls...odd.

I'm also curious as to where "NuLabour" comes from.

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