Sunday, November 30, 2008

Blake: I'm the fall guy

From the shape of this morning's News Of The World, it's looking like Blake has decided that it's over with Amy and has embarked on a round of mea culpas.

Let's not be cynical - it would be very easy to believe that Fielder-Civil is merely telling the tabloids what they want to hear ("I introduced Amy to drucks") in return for a payday, or that he has cooked up a noble-sounding "I have chosen to leave her to save the woman I love" cover for the end of a relationship. It may all be true. But - oh, alright then, let's be cynical: if you really want to accept the guilt for Amy's addiction, and to do the right thing, why the hell are you in the pages of one of her tormentors making it all worse again?

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