Monday, January 26, 2009

Kanye West must have been hacked again

After he was made to look foolish by someone pretending to be him and suggesting he was up for some man-and-two-woman porn shoots, it looks like Kanye West has been made to look even more stupid online. Hark at this:

"I have so much to stunt about that it baffles me. So I asked myself this question, and you can ask yourself the same: Who do you know with two thumbs and his own Louis shoe? This guy!
"Who wouldn't want to work with Louis Vuitton? They're the number-one luxury brand. It lets people know you like nice things."

"As soon as they put that red [a red training shoe], it was killer! It's like an accessory that can express your personality. Like an instant tattoo!"

Trouble is, this really does appear to be the actual Kanye West talking about a pair of overpriced pumps like he's cracked the human genome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

such are the meanderings of an empty head.....

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