Gordon in the morning: Plan B endorses David Cameron
The leader of Conservative Kent County Council might have pointed out that David Cameron's policies are dodgy and dangerous, but Cameron can take comfort from an endorsement from Plan B.
Up to a point, anyway:
PLAN B has joined his Harry Brown co-star MICHAEL CAINE in backing DAVID CAMERON's proposal for national citizen service for 16-year-olds.
Although it turns out Mr B didn't actually back Mr C, and Gordon seems to have struggled to find a quote which actually "backs" Cameron's plan:
Though Plan B doesn't back any party - or other Tory plans - he said: "There's no choice for kids, those who carry knives and stab people. I never had a dad growing up so didn't have anyone to discipline me.
"Kids turn to older mates. Only later you realise how wrong the guidance was."
The trouble is, Cameron's policy isn't about forcing or even requiring young people to do the service, so it's unlikely that kids who don't volunteer now are going to volunteer in the future. And saying "there's no choice for kids" is just lazy - there are choices, it's just some take more courage than others. A few posters of Cameron saying "My Volunteer Squad Needs You" isn't going to change that.
Nor is suggesting that a gentle mumble from Plan B is "backing" the Cameron plan going to shift that stubborn Tory poll share. Nice try, though.
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