Gordon in the morning: Brand new radio
Here's a surprise - apparently The Sun didn't mind Russell Brand calling up Andrew Sachs at all. Why, Gordon's hopping mad at what happened:
IT'S almost two years since RUSSELL BRAND was last broadcasting his ramblings on Radio 2.
Thanks to the Sachsgate nonsense that glorious reign on the airwaves was cut far too short, leaving a huge hole in the weekend schedules which still hasn't been filled.
Yes, how did that happen, Gordon? It's almost as if popular newspapers like your own spent days shrieking for heads to roll and people to go. Who knew it was all a load of silly nonsense all along, eh? If only Gordon had spoken up at the time.
Gordon is excited now because Brand has been offered a slot on Sirius:
An offer, worth millions of dollars, is on the table for Ol' Russ and his gang of chums to take their talents over the Pond to America.
Sirius Radio, a huge satellite broadcaster, has been chasing him for months with chequebook at the ready.
I think you'd be lucky to find "millions of dollars" - it's not losing money any more, but it's hardly cash-rich.
Could we have some words from a "pal"? Indeed we could:
"The Sirius deal is in its infancy but Russell is well up for it. He has been given the hard sell about how they could make him the new HOWARD STERN."
That's not such a generous offer, given how Sirius effectively broke the original Howard Stern.
Build 'em up, knock 'em down!
new Howard? oh please.
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