Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gordon in the morning: Holy Moly Lily

Lily Allen sending out a wedding invite showing her sitting on the back of some agricultural equipment gives Gordon a chance to show off his knowledge of tractors:

Yesterday the singer sent out this save-the-date wedding card, showing her and fiancé SAM COOPER riding across farm fields in a tractor... perhaps one of John Deere's earlier models.
He's so busy staring at the tractor he doesn't notice that the logo of the website from which he's lifted the photo of the invite, uncredited, is still in the picture:
Normally, of course, the churn of this sort of thing from one site to another is to be expected, but given how angry Rupert Murdoch gets when people use "his" scoops on other websites without paying, you have to hope he's not doing it to others.

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