Sunday, August 21, 2011

Venuewatch: Incident at the Zwischerfall

Bochum's legendary Zwischerfall has been destroyed in a fire.

The club opened in 1985 and provided a home for the German Dark Wave movement, alongside offering a space for punk, new wave and gothic bands of all stripes to play. It also found space for fetish and BDSM events.

Those of you who believe in some sort of strict, unforgiving Old Testament God might draw a conclusion from the events hosted there, and the apparent cause of the fire being a thunderbolt sent from the heavens. On the other hand, the club itself appears to have survived the resulting fire fairly intact - unlike the rest of the building - but is so badly waterdamaged that closure was inevitable. The owners say that it's unlikely they'll be able to reopen any time soon.

Here's a hint of what the club looked like - this is Inferia playing Bloody Mary on the Zwischerfall stage:

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