Friday, November 18, 2011

Someone's pinched Stuart Braithwaite's guitar

At the weekend, there was break-in at Mogwai's place in Glasgow. Amongst fifteen grand's worth of stuff pinched was Stuart Braithwaite's guitar. He'd really like it back, explains the Evening Times:

Stephen Hines, an employee of the group’s record label Rock Action Records, who discovered the break-in at the band’s base, said: “This is Stuart’s recording guitar. It doesn’t even go on tour with him as it’s very precious to him. I had to break the news to him.”

Stuart said: “Everyone is gutted about this theft. We have been lucky that most of our equipment is currently on tour with us, meaning the theft could have been a lot worse.”
They're asking for anyone who knows anything - presumably somebody flogging a lovely guitar you'd not have expected them to have had - to get in touch with police. Or have the curse of Mogwai rain down on your head.

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