Sunday, August 19, 2012

Coleman returns

So, the missing Jaz Coleman has returned, apparently unaware that his 'working retreat' to the Sahara had led to reports of his disappearance.

He also claims that he knows nothing about the slagging of the Mission and Cult:

Yet mystery still surrounds the message on Facebook regarding The Cult and The Mission Shows of which Coleman claims no knowledge. 'Looks like this has caused a right ding dong and feel its impossible to continue this tour under the circumstances'. His comments were to wish both The Cult and The Mission the best of luck on the tour, and to find out who has been impersonating him.
A right old ding dong? Was Coleman spending time in the desert or the 19th Century? My guess is that the person who "impersonated" him will turn out to be the same person who hacked Grant Shapps' YouTube account that time. Or at least have a similar relationship to the "victim".

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