Friday, August 13, 2004

BEENIE APOLOGY FAILS TO WORK: Despite his vague attempt to try and pretend his songs about how gay people should be killed weren't actually meant to be upsetting to anyone, Beenie Man's career continues to freefall. Venues in Pittsburgh and Indianapolis have pulled Beenie dates this October. Oddly, the Pennysylvania Lesbian and Gay Taks Force had been threatening to picket his Philadelphia gig last week but, when he said he wouldn't sing any anti-gay songs this time, they went "Oh, alright, then" and went home.

Something else on the "apology": his manager, Clyde McKenzie, told Radio Jamaica that the apology wasn't an apology, it came from Virgin Records and nort Mr. Man, and that Beenie would keep on banging on about homosexuals if he chose.

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