Sunday, June 12, 2005


Just because you've got hair doesn't mean you can't hurt - and it seems that Jon Bon Jovi has been stung by criticism from the boss. He was the highest-profile stay away from L A Reid's 48th birthday party; he blamed it on the weather but 'informed sources' (i.e. gossip monkeys) reckon he huffed out
because Reid had slammed Bonb's new album as being too poor to ask for money for and had sent him back to the studio to have another go. Reid's been trying to suggest that it was Jon's idea to try all over again, after he'd finished the album - in, of course, exactly the same way once you'd handed in your English homework you'd run up to your teacher and say "no, you know what? I'll do another shot at that essay on Tennyson, actually".

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