Poor Charlotte Church; now she's actually got a record to promote, she's missing having nothing to do all day but get over hangovers and flick herself off to Tots TV.
Don't worry, love; based on the quality of tissues and issues, it won't be long until you're back there...
Tissues and Issues has had more good review than bad with the first single hitting number 2 in the charts. The only bad reviews mostly come from Aholes that hate her personally...aholes just like you!
Ah... so, the musicologists reviewed the music in a fair way, and found the single to be a fine, polished piece of work; anyone who disagreed with this was merely motivated by personal venom. That makes sense.
Nope, just listened to it again and it still sounds like someone who could do much better walking their way through an amalgam of Halliwell and Anastacia.
And number two? The profile Church has, managing to limp in to the second place is as close as you can get to a lack of interest as is possible to get... even if chart positions meant anything in terms of quality of output (in which case, Crazy frog and Peter Kay means we should all just bugger off right now and give up).
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