Last week, Damon Albarn made some half-funny remarks about making Pete Doherty history - apparently cribbed from Private Eye front pages, as Anthony pointed out in our comments section. Despite being the first coherent remarks Albarn has come out with in ages, Damon has now decided to attribute them to a made-up friend:
"There are four members of Gorillaz and I'm not one of them. It's not even my big mouth that's got me into trouble.
"The fact of the matter is, I would never lash out at Pete Doherty like that. Are we really listening to cartoons now?"
It's quite charming when a six year does something wrong and tries to blame it on his imaginary friend. When a grown man does the same thing, it's slightly creepy, like when ventriloquists start to really believe their dolls are living, breathing things.
was it definitely Albarn that made the comments, though? they do employ the likes of Hugh Cornwell to do interviews in-character as Gorillaz members, so there's room to take him at his word here. sort of.
was it definitely Albarn that made the comments, though? they do employ the likes of Hugh Cornwell to do interviews in-character as Gorillaz members, so there's room to take him at his word here, sort of.
Tough shit, either way really - if you employ a spokesperson, take responsibility for what is said.
Albarn's a wanker with a big mouth - obviously he's feeling threatened by Pete, who's taking all the "wanker with a big mouth" column inches these days. Bit of a problem that, when people have no other way to promote their cartoon album than trying to get cheap shots in the gossip pages.
Feeling past it, Damo?
is it just me or does Feel Good Inc bear a startling resemblance to the verse of Staring at the sun by U2?
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