Sunday, October 23, 2005


Karma, they call it. Pete Doherty is slowly learning that everything you do in this life has a reaction. He's been haring around, doing the drugs, failing to keep appointments, having wrongsex with fabulous people, and never getting any sort of comeback. Until now, that is. (Okay, okay, he might have been kicked out of his band and been sent to prison, but this is the biggie.)

Livewire, the University of East Anglia student station, has banished Pete and all his records from their airwaves as a punishment for three straight cancellations of gigs at the University:

“Livewire’s music archives are crammed with the best new music on offer, and every single band has worked hard to gain the support of new fans. Live events are what music is about – something Doherty appears to have lost sight of by cancelling numerous gigs at UEA.”

“Livewire members gathered together to vote on a proposed ban of all music involving Pete Doherty yesterday afternoon. The final decision was unanimous - everyone was in support of the ban. As we are one of UEA’s largest student societies, the message to Doherty is clear.”

Once, students marched against aparthied South Africa or the removal of support grants. Now, they're passing motions because a band hasn't shown up. Thank god lecturers don't start witholding exam marks because students didn't turn up for three seminars in a row, eh?


Anonymous said...

*sigh* Simon, I couldn't put it better myself. Student as a whole seem to have buckled under the stream of gags about 'Nelson Mandela Bars' in the '80s.

Earnestness has become the greatest crime you can commit as a student. Instead students obsess over the trival and celebrity, as irony is considered the very height of sophistication.

This is odd considering how easy it is to ban Pete Doherty records and name your bar the Richard Madeley Bar and how difficult it is to campaign for some real serious change. Is that not more intelligent and sophisticated and, hey, creative than being a flea on the back of someone who's got plenty already?

Hey students you've got three years to do *something*. Write a book, start a society, campaign for change, be a poet, just don't be so gracelessly boring.

And you wonder why people hate you.

Anonymous said...

Of course it's JUST students that condemn the earnest and elevate the trivial and celebrity to "the very height of sophistication". It's not the very cornerstone of our entire news media. And if you don't do that stuff about campaigning for change and and being a poet in that three or four year time period you'll NEVER have the chance to do it again.


It was all much better in the 60s when all students were highly politicised and brought down several oppressive African regimes (/sat round, got stoned and sang some Bob Dylan)

Anonymous said...

'Course it's not just students. It's just that students have enough time and freedom to do *something*. It's time you'll never have again, so why waste it?

And just because a proportion of the news media indulge in it, it doesn't mean you have to. That's my point really, as a student you have an opportunity to try new things - why not do that instead of adhering to a stereotype so tedious that it wouldn't get airtime on That's Life.

Anonymous said...

Doherty was fucked last night.
Bloody idiot.
Oh, and person above - stop being a condescending twat.

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