Monday, November 28, 2005


It's interesting that Bono appears to be threatening incumbent Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin as the nation prepares to go to the polls:

"I'm mystified, actually, by the man," the U2 lead singer said at a news conference Friday. "I like him very much, personally.

"I just think that it's a huge opportunity that he's missing out on. This is important to the Canadian people. I think the prime minister will find out if he walks away from the opportunity to (boost foreign aid) he will hear about it in the election. I am absolutely sure of that."

But as threats go, it's a little half-cock: does Bono think that Canadians should vote Martin out of office if he doesn't pledge to boost foreign aid? And if he does, then why doesn't he say so? Is it because he's afraid that if he makes that call, it might make it awkward for him to have tea with the Canadian Prime Minister if he does get back in? Could Bono finally be realising why you can either be radical, or a mate of the powerful, but not both?

He seems to have made his choice, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And just where the fuck was he in the US election, hmm? Oh yes, that's right, he was on Fox News and saying lovely things about Mr. Bush, but insisting that he wouldn't take sides (or mention Bush's fondness for restricting HIV programmes to abstinence, either).

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