Monday, November 28, 2005


Back in 1999, Ozzy Osbourne sent a really snotty letter to the Hall of Fame organisers chiding them for considering putting Black Sabbath in the, um, Hall:

Just take our name off the list. Save the ink. Forget about us. The nomination is meaningless, because it's not voted on by the fans. It's voted on by the supposed elite for the industry and the media, who've never bought an album or concert ticket in their lives, so their vote is irrelevant to me. Let's face it, Black Sabbath has never been media darlings. We're a people's band and that suits us just fine."

Presumably emboldened by the past few years - where Ozzy has turned from People's Rocker into the shambling comedy sidekick of a talent show judge, culminating in his acceptance of a place in the British Hall of Fame - the organisers have decided that it's time to fold Ver Sabbath into their hallowed portals.

Also going in will be Blondie, Miles Davis, the Sex Pistols and Lynyrd Skynyrd.

1 comment:

The Rock Robot said...

How is it that Sex Pistols were not already in the hall? And Blondie? Well, its nice to see punk and new wave get some nods.

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