Saturday, January 28, 2006


Poor Lee Ryan; he can't find a girlfriend no matter what he does. And he'd really like a girlfriend, because that would be so cool. He's afraid its his image which is putting them off:

"Nice girls don't approach me because they think I'm a pig", says the 22-year-old. "I was only 16 when I started in Blue and there were lots of stories but I was only doing what any lad would have liked to do."

Ah, bless: he thinks his image is one of a womanising swine. You don't think, Lee, that perhaps your image as being the sort of person childproof locks are designed to keep out might be the bit of your image that puts grown-up women away. Women sometimes fall for a man's inner-child; it's less common for them to do so when the child might or might not have an inner-man.

Still, Lee has a plan:

"I met Sienna Miller and she's cool. I might send her my new single - it's pretty romantic."

First of all, Lee, you might want to stop sniffing round the a-list; if you feel you must have a girlfriend in the entertainment industry you'd be better off buying a three year-old copy of Spotlight and scanning the small ads in the back. Secondly: you think sending someone a copy of your single is going to make them want to know you? There's a reason, Lee, they call them singles.

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