Friday, September 29, 2006

Most rubbish survey of all time - official

What on earth were the mobile phone company thinking when they decided to try and promote themselves with a fake-news survey focussing on "which celebrity would you most like to hang up on?"

Apart from the lameness of the original concept - a survey, again; can't you afford proper advertising? there's the puzzling execution: hanging up on people is something you do when someone annoys you; since mobile phone companies are amongst the worst offenders for cold-calling you, do you really want to reinforce the link between annoying, unwanted phone calls and mobile phones?

And what exactly does it mean anyway? The survey found Paris Hilton followed by Victoria Beckham were the most we're most hung up on hanging up, but what can we extrapolate from that? That half of Britain is currently being plagued by calls from Hilton? It's not impossible - we'd imagine she must misdial a lot - but it seems unlikely. So if people were getting calls from her, it's likely they'd be friends or colleagues, which means they'd be less likely to want to actually hang up.

Or are the company saying that people want to ring Paris up simply so they can hang up on her? Isn't that illegal?

It's all very confusing.

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