Monday, December 04, 2006

Metalcore: Don't tell us the dream's over

Metalcore is, like, dead dudes. It's not us saying so - it's Howard Jones. No, not that Howard Jones, either. The one from Killswitch Engage is reading the last rites:

"The dream's over dude! .... It'll still be around, because kids love heavy music; they love to be aggressive. But it won't get as much mainstream attention as it's been getting. So mark my words there. It's already happening."

Yeah, the heady days when metalcore was on the front of Newsweek and Killswitch Engage were invited to record the theme tune to Joey are at an end - if metalcore survives, it's going to be as a specialist niche passion.

Beyonce has already scrapped her planned metalcore release.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who cares about being mainstream. Metalcore is alive and growing in the underground scenes across the country.

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