Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Sony seek third, lonesome place

Perhaps because they've taken their eyes of the ball as they try and work out what they're going to do with millions of recalled laptop batteries threatening, any moment, to go up like Edward Woodward at the end of the Wicker Man, Sony have hinted they might try replicating the iPod/Zune style of linked, locked music store and player.

You know, like they did with the ATRAC format and the Connect store and its first generation of Walkman MP3 players.

Sony, clearly, are hoping to generate the hitherto unheard-of third-mover advantage by mopping up what's left after Microsoft's Zoomy has licked the residue of online sales from the iPod.

"Of course, Sony has the advantage of being a trusted bran..." said a spokesman, as he rushed off to throw a fireblanket over his laptop.

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