Monday, March 26, 2007


How do you celebrate your first number one record after a couple of decades making records?


Or you do if you're The Proclaimers.

501s off to The Sun for managing to even overwrite this charming little story, though. Apparently "we did washing" is right up there with "I killed Bob Woolmer" or "I am a Russian spy":

CRAIG REID, 45, who performs with brother CHARLIE on Comic Relief single (I’m Gonna Be) 500 Miles, confessed they had run out of clean clothes after a hectic few weeks promoting the song.

Confessed! "My having-used-up-all-my-clean-pants shame." How did the paper get the confession out of them, do you think? Were Charlie and Craig CONFRONTED by long-lens photos of them sniffing dirty socks before shrugging and pulling them on? Were witnesses traced who could confirm that, yes, they were wearing the same polo shirts two days running ("you can tell by the egg stain just under the little man on the horse upon the left nipple...")?

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