Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Courtney: Weightloss down to pants, not surgery

Courtney Love is still insisting that her incredible weightloss was down to nothing more than diet shakes and will power - the will power provided by the desire to get into someone's trousers. Todd Lynn's, apparently, or a pair of them, anyway.

If you were that keen to fit into the trousers, why not have someone let them out - we used to have a lady over the road who'd do that, and take up the legs, in return for a box of biscuits and a half-bottle of sherry. A lot easier than crash-weight-loss.

This contradicts Zoe in the Sunday Mirror's revelation that the motivation was to prepare for the Boradway stage, of course.

Love denies she had any surgery:

"I'm not eligible for that. It's illegal for me to get that. You have to be 100 pounds overweight, you have to be grossly obese."

Love, of course, would never consider using any sort of medical technique or product in contravention of the law. Well, except for drugs.

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