Sunday, June 03, 2007

Rav exclusively reveals exclusive exclusives, exclusively

Rav Singh, the "hottest showbiz reporter" in Britain, or certainly at the News of the World has got some hot, exclusive, piping news:

POP legend Sir Paul McCartney is secretly planning a blockbuster world tour.

Yes. He's got an album out. That's what, you know, pop stars do. Album, tour, album, tour.

Presumably next week Rav will break it that McCartney intends to release single tracks from the album, in an attempt to get into the pop charts. "My spies tell me that he intends to create a short film to promote the record."

Singh seems convinced the paper has something to do with the tour:
The ex-Beatle, 64, is set for a spectacular six months of gigs in Europe, USA and Japan next year to promote new album Memory Almost Full.

But it is only happening after the News of the World exclusively revealed Macca and Mucca, 39, had settled their divorce war for Bea's sake.

So are we to understand that McCartney wasn't aware that he was getting divorced until he read it in the papers?

Interestingly, after two weeks of solidly insisting that the Spice Girls are recording a secret reunion song, Singh makes no mention this week - not even of Mel C's firm insistence that it ain't going to happen:
There are no plans for a Spice Girls tour that I am aware of. I saw Emma and Geri a few weeks ago and of course we talk about the rumours and things that are going on, but it's the last thing on everybody's mind at the moment, so it's frustrating for me.

But then why should we believe Melanie? She's only in the band; she isn't, after all, Britain's hottest showbiz reporter.

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