Sunday, September 30, 2007

Gordon Brown hates golden brown

It's a refreshing break from election speculation: who could Gordon Brown be thinking about?:

Mr Brown declared: "We have got celebrities who take a very casual attitude to drugs, who think their standing in the community makes them above the law on these matters.

"We have to send a very clear message not only that we will not decriminalise drugs, but that this is unacceptable behaviour and the vast majority of our young people will never fall for this.

"We have to make it clear that we as a community stand up against those who would sell drugs, those who would be casual in their attitude to drugs and those who think that they are above the law when it comes to drugs."

So, if there is a winter eleection, Labour will include the abolition of Pete Doherty in its manifesto, then.

1 comment:

eyetie said...

I thought he was talking about that fun-loving youngster David Cameron. Not that Gordo would allude to old, um, rumours during David's Happy Hour/Week and before an election. Oh no.

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